When the sun penetrates advanced photovoltaic solar cells there are two opposing materials inside that generate positive and negative charges. Many cells combine to make a great deal of power. What is not used is directed into the public power grid for a credit that can be used against times when power must be drawn back out. The net result is a substantially reduced power bill, a cleaner and healthier environment and money in the homeowner’s pocket.
A residential homeowner in Phoenix, Arizona made the profitable call to Harmon Solar to assist in the installation of photovoltaic solar panels. Photovoltaic solar cells are highly efficient and powerful generators. Harmon solar provided a free estimate of the job and showed the homeowner how they can defray the solar panel cost on the installation and then the use of their new equipment.
We concluded that the home required 400 square feet of solar panels that will produce about 8,500 Kw-hrs per year, producing a solar panel cost savings of nearly $1,000 annually. The roof was composite material, one of the many roofing types of which Harmon Solar is highly experienced and knowledgeable. This gave the homeowner a high level of confidence that Harmon Solar was the right firm for the job.
Additionally, Harmon Solar showed the Phoenix, Arizona homeowner that by purchasing their solar equipment, they could qualify for tax credits and utility incentives that would greatly reduce the cost of the installation.
Call Harmon Solar right now and inquire how you can install photovoltaic solar panel technology to gain energy savings, money savings, and a cleaner, healthier environment.